Work with us.

If you clicked on this page, chances are that you’ve been a Doula your entire life.

You are a calm and steady presence. You are compassionate. You are able to provide unbiased, non judgmental support.

If you’re interested in working with Portland Family Doulas, please fill out the contact form below.

How do you become a Doula?

You can become a Doula in 3 easy steps:

  1. Take a Doula certification training (we recommend ProDoula)

  2. Have a current CPR/First Aid certification

  3. Complete your certification exam and start working!

Upcoming Doula Trainings

Keep checking back for upcoming trainings!

Join the team.

Interested in working with Portland Family Doulas? Let us know!

We are currently looking to add members to our team. Get started by contacting us today!