Labor Support

It seems like as soon as those two little pink lines show up that everyone has an opinion on how you should birth your baby.

When you work with Portland Family Doulas, your birth goals are our birth goals. We will walk alongside you with knowledge and unbiased, judgement-free support.

Postpartum & Infant Care Support

Whether it’s your first baby or not, adding a new family member comes with its own set of unique challenges. Our team of Postpartum Doulas are here to help you and everyone in the family figure out what their new normal is with care, compassion and agenda-free guidance.

Childbirth Education

There is information on every corner of the internet about how this whole childbirth thing works. And sometimes information overload brings with it more questions and anxiety.

Our childbirth educators are here to teach you all of the need-to-knows and to help you feel prepared during this life changing time.

Pre-& Postnatal Fitness

In partnership with PUSH Fitness our incredible Doula team includes resident certified pre-& postnatal fitness experts.

Whether you’re pregnant, just had a baby, or your babies have babies - we understand what your body needs. We work with YOU to meet the needs of YOUR body.

Abortion Support

We understand that the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one to make. It’s not our job to judge that decision, and we believe that people making this decision shouldn’t have to do it alone.

Our Doulas will be there to comfort and support you throughout the process.

Sex & Intimacy Coaching

During pregnancy and after it is easy to feel like your body is not your own anymore.

Our Sex & Intimacy coaches are ready to help you reconnect with your sexuality and discover (or re-discover!) self-care all while finding your confidence as a new parent.